Critical Tom

The problem with real-life cops...

… is that they’re not RoboCop.


I think most people want a sense of order, but we don’t want to depend on someone as unpredictable as a real person.  The idea of a robotic police officer, who always acts just, without bias and without accidentally harming innocents, is intoxicating.  But we can’t build a robocop, and even if we could, it’d probably be subverted by its human insides.


Anyways, I guess what my point is, probably cops shouldn’t run around shooting every pickup truck they can fucking find because there’s a remote probability a murderer is in it.  Shit, if that’s the police force we have, why don’t we just spin a roulette wheel to see who gets shot, and where?  You might think after being thoroughly embarrassed in the 90’s because of widespread misconduct and corruption, the LAPD would clean up its act, but apparently not.


I can’t fucking wait for robocops.