Critical Tom


I live on the side of a hill; this means my neighbors uphill can see pretty directly into my house (the Venetians have never been opened to my knowledge.  I mean, our bedroom’s on that side. C’mon now.)  It also means from my kitchen I can see directly into my downhill neighbor’s house, obscured only by some linen blinds.  They’re renters, and I don’t know them. But holy fuck, do they watch a lot of television.


As in, the moment they come home, I can see the light playing on their blinds.  It was convenient during the Olympics (GYMNASTICS IS UP!) but now the novelty has worn off.  It doesn’t bother me much, and the dogs seem far more concerned with the squirrels in their backyard than the light from the television.  It just means I can’t help but notice their television habits.


I know sometimes people leave the TV on “as background noise,” but 1. that’s dumb and 2. if it’s on, people end up watching.  Fucking hell. 6-Midnight every day.  Could start earlier, but I rarely make it home before then. Good lord that is a lot of television. So much television.  Except I have this nightmare that’s not even so much compared to average.  Some googling has revealed that Americans average a bit more than 5 hours of television a day. Not too far off.


I’m not trying to shake the boat but that’s probably too much fucking TV.