Gardening Woes
I’ve been wanting to eat more roasted vegetables, because 1. they’re delicious, 2. they’re cheaper than meat, and 3. they’re supposedly good for you (or so my Mom claims).
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Computer Updates
Ok, a few notes from the computer front.
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Gravity Falls
I’m not naturally a huge fan of cartoons, although there are a few I’ve enjoyed. But I never watched Saturday morning cartoons as a kid, and never read any American comic books (I did read Tin-Tin and Asterix, as well as the strips in the paper).
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The problem with real-life cops...
… is that they’re not RoboCop.
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Drones, etc
Since everybody needs to give their opinion on the Justice Department’s white paper regarding drone strikes on American citizens, I thought I would too. Spoiler alert: I’m against drone strikes because I’m also against murdering people, in a general sense.
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